Live Like You are at Resort

Call or text Nellie Wood at 417-294-4623. OFFICIAL LISTING AGENT. This is your opportunity to live in a beautiful gated neighborhood with a gorgeous view of Table Rock Lake and only 1 2 mile to Mill Creek Park boat launch or lease a slip at Port of Kimberling also use the swim deck on the docks in Subdivision. Amazing vaulted wood ceilings open floor plan wonderful kitchen with granite high quality stainless steel appliances hardwood floors living area with stone fireplace w gas log step out onto the large covered deck and open deck perfect for all seasons Master bedroom walk-in closet and bath with doors to the deck and porch swing---how relaxing is that Lower level has large family room guest bedroom and bath 2 car garage and storage. Great place to live clubhouse saltwater pool future exercise room and lots of wonderful neighbors For more information click the link below listing mlsid 392 propertyid 60043454 Or visit our website to search for a dream lake home of your very own search Call for an appointment to see this beautiful home 417-294-4623 Listing Courtesy of Dennis Nellie Wood Keller Williams Realty (KC)



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