PMP ClassRoom Training in MadhapurHyderabad

PMP (Project Management Professional) - Course Details PMP Prep course covers concepts tools and techniques you need to be familiar with to take the PMP Certification exam. We cover the material from the latest PMBOK 5 and we include the necessary models theories and formulas not covered in the Guide. We help you understand these concepts instead of memorizing them. This training prepares you for PMP exam. Here s what you get as part of the training- Pre Assessment Questions. 36 Hours of Instructor Led Extensive Training on PMP Concepts. 35 PDUs Certificate. Post Session Mock Exam. All Required Materials will be supplied. Personal Coaching and Mentoring even after sessions. Personalized Roadmap to PMP exam. Track the PMP Preparation Course Outline For more details please visit website - pmp-project-management-professional Email - training(at) Mobile - 7207468036 Date - 21-04-2016



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