Tea Garden in Reasonable Cost

If you are looking for a tea garden in reasonable cost we are here to offer all kinds of assistance. We are one of the leading consultancy firms with a very neat and detailed base in the district of Darjeeling offering tea garden sale services for clients. We focus on helping buyers by negotiating with the sellers and finding good choices. Given the current demand for tea estates and gardens we insist our buyers to contact us as soon as possible for finding great offers. Please note that tea gardens in Darjeeling sell faster than most parts of West Bengal which calls for quick action and with our trusted services you can rely on us for all the required research and assistance at all levels. Our Garden price starting from 70 Lakhs up to 15 Cr both shade garden and without shade garden. Contact us For more Details- Name Deb Chatterjee Email info(at)aslogtech.com Ph 91-9830694705 91-9007008366 Agent or any Agency Please Excuse.



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