stunning husky pups

Proud to announce the safe arrival of lexi s 3 stunning husky pups they were born on 28 11 18 and will be ready to leave (at) 8 weeks old 23 1 19 we have 2 girls and 1 boy they have been wormed correctly from 2 weeks old and every 2 weeks thereafter they were born and been raised in our family home along side our other pets cats and children Mum is our much loved pet this is her last litter mum is kc registered she is a very sweet girl gets along with other dogs cats and horses and loves peopleDad is a stud dog but also a family pet he is not KC Reg so neither will the pups be dad is a big chunky dog and is also great around kids and other dogs All pups have been microchipped Vet health checked all great Had 1st vaccination And will have 4 weeks petplan insurance And a puppy pack 300 non refundable deposit to secure ur chosen pup



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