Metal Fabrication Engineer Utilizing AutoCAD andor SolidWorks (M

Metal Fabrication Engineer Utilizing AutoCAD and or SolidWorks (Metal Fabrication & Finishing Job Shop) 1st Shift Full-Time Monday Friday 6 45 a.m. 3 30 p.m. Lunch from 10 45 a.m. 11 30 a.m. As a part of the engineering team this position will design and create shop drawings flat-pattern layouts and details per customer-provided drawings prints utilizing AutoCAD and or Solidworks software in a fast-paced metal fabrication job-shop production environment. Responsibilities Create drawings and flat layouts for the shop floor (single parts and detailed assemblies) in AutoCAD and or SolidWorks per customer-provided prints drawings blueprints. Create job routers in ShopTech E2 ERP system (training provided) Create Bills of materials (BOMs) in ShopTech E2 ERP system (training provided) Process engineering changes and participate in design review meetings Requirements Minimum of 5 years of AutoCAD and or SolidWorks experience in manufacturing environment Experience in single part drawings and assembly files Extensive hands-on knowledge of general metal fabrication processes (preferably 5 years) such as shearing saw cutting laser cutting forming machining stamping and welding Experience working with weldments and assemblies Ability to reverse engineer customer-provided parts Comprehensive understanding of general and technical aspects of computer-aided drafting techniques MUST be able to fluently read and interpret manufacturing drawings blueprints Experience with creating bills of materials Ability to handle stress in a high-paced environment Superior communication skills and ability to develop teamwork among staff. Must be diplomatic and possess good human interaction skills. Holds oneself accountable for doing whatever is needed to meet the commitments made around project outcomes. Ability to multitask using the appropriate level of priority setting. Maintains adequate levels of performance and motivation despite job tasks that are routine repetitive and or non-stimulating. Ability to work well under pressure to adhere to deadlines and the ability to be flexible. Must be able to work the hours necessary in order to achieve the goals of the company Experience with ShopTech E2 ERP System Amada AP100 and Microsoft Office Suite are all a plus. Job Benefits Paid Time Off (PTO) Holiday Pay (Certain Holidays) Health & Dental Insurance Vision Insurance Short-Term & Long-Term Disability Insurance 401(k) Plan Wellness Program A design test may be administered as part of the application process



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