Experienced OTR Drivers for Small Family Owned Trucking Company

Looking for Experienced Over The Road Truck Drivers with Class A CDL License. Must possess a clean driving record be able to pass a pre-employment drug and alcohol screen test. Prefer Hopper Dry Bulk Experience but we have possilbe Dry Van and Reefer positions available as well. Good Clean and Well Maintained Equipment. Pay based on experiece. Drivers paid by the mile all miles (hub not book miles) plus earned Fuel Profit and Performance Bonuses Weekly pay by direct deposit bonuses paid monthly. Can do 1099 or W-2 and we compensate for single rate health insurance offer paid time off for vacation 5 holidays and 2 sick days per year. We are a small family owned company that works in a Team Envornment. Treat all our employees with respect and as a name not a number. Positions immediately available.



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