University of Pretoria Youth Choir from South Africa - Vancouver

Opening for UPYC will be the Coastal Sound Youth Choir and the Vancouver Youth Choir - Directed by Carrie Tennant. UP YOUTH CHOIR The University of Pretoria Youth Choir is part of a generation of South Africans that has as a reference point in their history the struggle for freedom and peace. This multi-racial teenage choir represent the colours of peace by embracing the qualities that diversity brings to the table. The singers are part of the born free generation that embody the philosophies of our international icon Pres Nelson Mandela. The concept Ubuntu the Nguni term that means human kindness that in the philosophical sense translates to the universal bond of sharing that connects all humanity is part of the fabric of this unique choir from South Africa. The choir was established in January 2001 and since 2005 conducted by Lhente-Mari Pitout. The choirforms part of the multi-choir model of the University of Pretoria....



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