1970 Chevelle SS NOM 454 460 HP with 4-speed manual

1970 Chevelle SS NOM 454 460 HP with 4-speed manual. This triple black beauty is a full professional restoration. Mild Build 454 factory manifolds 4 speed Muncie Factory Road Wheels Cowl Induction Hood with lock pins Original Radio Power steering & Power disk brakes. New Carpet Roof Interior & seats. Trunk has been protective re-lined. An amazingly beautiful car inside & out that is a true show car with plenty of power to go. 55 000. Call Eric at 72066030sixtwo. Car is Located in Denver CO. No Trades Please Go to nextstepprosales (dot) com for additional information. Video of this car can be seen at youtu.be A0k4zSc-C4Y VIN 136370R242117



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