15.00 Walk Dog Walking - Love meeting new doggies

About MeI have a four year old rottweiler an almost 1yr old husky lab mix and a almost 1yr old kitty. I love meeting and interacting with new doggies I ve always had a love for animals and will always promise to treat them with nothing but love. Both of my dogs are very well trained and spend most of their day playing outside but always come in for bed time. I d love to meet some new faces About My Services I offer Drop-In Visits 12 per visit. I m comfortable taking care of dogs who are small (1-fifteen pounds) medium (15-40 pounds) large (41-100lbs) giant (100lbs).Dog Walking 15 per walk. I m comfortable taking care of dogs who are small (1-15 pounds) medium (15-40lbs) large (41-100lbs) giant (100 pounds)....



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