495 sq.ft. Flat available for Sale in Palghar

Signature project in the heart of Palghar West. With proposed 8 Buildings of ground stilt Plus 4 storied housing over 200 elite families from different walks of life. Ventilated and Bright Apartments and a beautiful Sai Temple within the premises. Including all basic amenities & features like Vastu compliant Near Palghar and Kelwa Beach Ample Shoppings for your daily needs Easy accessibility to Palghar Station School College Hospitals nearby. Area of 1 BHK 495 sq.ft. Total price of 1 BHK Flat is 13.99 Lacs onwards. Possession on June 2016. The booking amount is Rs 50 000 -. Contact SAI PARADISE on 9324543492 for further details.



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