10 OFF GroomingBath Services

Whitehall Animal Country Club 8251 West State Road 48 Bloomington In 47404 www.waccinfo.com Main 812-876-1004 Fax 812-876-2582 Here at Whitehall Animal Country Club we will train feed groom and exercise your pet (s). We clean disinfect and make repairs and upgrades as the market changes in the pet industryto fulfill your pets needs. We play with your pet (s) provide companionship and observe behavioral changes that could indicate illness or injury. Your pet listens to a variety of music during the day and Canine Lullabies at night. We use all of the latest cutting edge technology to deliver the highest level of service for your pet with their safety being the most important factor. We have 24 7 LIVE closed circuit television to ensure your pet (s) protection and multiple video screens to monitor all animals on the facilities grounds and there is ALWAYS someone here 24hrs 7 days a week. We also offer the service of you being able to view your pet while they are boarding anytime with the 24 7 LIVE closed circuit television right from you Cell Phone Tablet or Computer. Whitehall Animal Country Club was designed by Sid Martin (owner) with his degree in Electrical Engineering providing a modern All Breed Boarding and Grooming facility for dogs cats rabbits and ferrets.



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