Beautiful furnished room clean

I have a vacant room in my apartment and the room will be available for move in December 22. The room is very clean apartment is clean and beautiful and comes with a very comfortable bed. The room is available for viewing however move in date is any date after December 22. The apartment is in a very amazing area quiet calm buses are quite close and there are a variety of buses that pass by. Also having the railroad station few minute away by walking distance. Parking is always available the bathroom is share. The kitchen can used limited use but can be flexible. Prefer female but open to any gender. I am on my 20s work as an Accountant. I work a lot of hours and currently studying for my masters degree. I am very clean and need someone who is very clean as well. No pet I am sorry. The deposit is the same amount of the rent which is 680. To move in there is a deposit of 680 require and the first month of rent require as well. After first month utilities will be split which is a very low cost. In addition Please email me or text. No calls please- Only accepting text or emails



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