Reduced Renovated Mobile Home

REDUCED RENOVATED HOME JUST 22 900 (FINANCING AVAILABLE) This Mobile Home is located in beautiful Active Lantana FL. It is situated on a corner lot with lots of backyard space. There are luscious green plants around the home and newly landscaped garden beds for planting trees flowers etc. It is a 2 2 Double Wide that has been freshly renovated. The Home features laminates and new carpeting in the living room and master bedroom. Florida room on the side allows for extra space in addition to your home. The fresh interior painting makes the home feel warm and cozy. The exterior has just been painted gutters have been cleaned duct work redone and best of all the home has a brand new 4-ton A C unit with a 10 year manufacturer s warranty. The community is safe gated and quiet. Come enjoy what this freshly renovated home has to offer. Reduced 22 900 (Financing Available) AMENITIES Activities Boat Dock Clubhouse Game Room On Site Management Pets Allowed RV Storage Shuffle Board Swimming Pool Tennis Courts Schedule a showing ASAP Phone Text 786-440-6055 Email bbt2063(at) do NOT contact me with uns



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