one day arduino inten ship training Rs.500- limited seats only

VLSA IT Training services offers internship in plant training workshop Intern ship training starts 2 may 2016 limted seats for students 1.Embedded system2.Robotics 3.Networking 4.Arduino Uno5.Interface projects Mini projects ideas given in this seminar 1.certificates will be Given only at the End of the Workshop.2.No accommodation will be Provided Note only Limited Seats Per Each Center available and the Seats are Filled on first Come & First Serve Basis. for any Clarification Contact satheesh kumar - 9751800789velmurugan - 7708150152 Address Vlsa it training servicesDoor No 214 215 2nd Floor No. 172 Raahat Plaza (Shopping Mall)Arcot Road Vadapalani Chennai



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