End-Unit Townhome Inside A Gated Community

CONDO FOR SALE 13919 Arthur Avenue 24 Paramount CA 90723 Welcome to 13919 Arthur Ave unit 24 a two-story three-bedroom and three-bath end-unit town home with Spanish style architecture located inside a gated community. A front patio area greets you as you enter a step-down living room with a gas fireplace dark laminate flooring and a large picture window and bay window that offers natural lighting and overlooks the courtyard with its established landscaping. The kitchen has been upgraded with white cabinetry and Corian counter-tops and a tray ceiling with recessed lighting that highlights the breakfast bar plus an adjacent dining area. Upstairs is a convenient laundry area and three bedrooms one being a large master en-suite with ample closet space and a full bath. The master and one other bedroom each have a sliding glass door leading out onto their private balconies. A full bath is accessible to the other two bedrooms. A private two-car garage has parking and extra storage and has an access door taking you inside the home. The HOA amenities include a nice pool area just perfect for summertime fun and a California lifestyle. Photos and Info s superbroker.com Allison Van Wig CA BRE 00985700 Van Wig and Associates - KW www.SuperBroker.com Allison(at)SuperBroker.com 562-882-1581



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