Owner Operator lease purchase

Owner Operators- Drivers & Lease PurchaseNow signing on Owner Operators driver and Lease Purchase Operators to join our team. We are looking for applicants that have experience in vans refers flatbeds step decks and RGN s. We have a trailer rental program if you need a trailer. You Will receive a fuel surcharge on each load. We are looking for Teams and solo s. We have freight opportunities with over 250 of our Agents that cover all 48 states. We run a dispatch program and focus on the areas that work best for you. You can easily average between 2 600 and 3 000 miles per week. We have 24 7 support to assist with dispatch breakdowns or etc. We have a base plate program trailer rentals national tire discount roadside DOT clean inspection bonuses and great fuel discounts. You will receive your settlement every week ON TIME by comcheck or direct deposit (your choice).You also have the benefit and opportunity to be assigned to one of our agents that will dispatch you on all of your loads or you can be assigned to our Central Dispatch Department and work with any Agent of your choice as well as he Central Dispatch Team. Regardless of what you sign up for adjustments are easily made available if it benefits you long term. For more information or to get started today call 989-415-4899 or email rklee(at)network1llc.com



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