1998 Ford Explorer 4.0 OHV engine parts and fuel tank

I have new parts for a 1998 Explorer 2 dr Sport 4.0 OHV engine I could not bring Explorer with me to Kentucky. I have new in boxes oil pump water pump and timing set with adjuster upper and lower radiator hoses spark plug wires and new cold air intake system to replace stock Ford air box RH tail light assembly in box. Asking 150. for all items listed as one package sale. I also have both old 4.0 OHV heads clean BUT need exhaust seats as core or rebuild-able 50 both bare heads. I have two complete sets of rocker arms on shafts with 4.0 valve covers 50. both sets and stock push rods. New 2dr Sport fuel tank with pump sending unit 17.5 gallon tank 100.One (1) sale ALL items listed 200.. Contact e-mail -ALL ITEMS CASH SALE LOCAL PICKUP. Buyer Buyers agent or Shipper.



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