Amazon Web Service classroom Training In HyderabadIndia

Focusmindstech is an e-learning portal which aims to impart software and soft skills training to its client. Based out of Hyderabad a very fast growing technology city Focusmindtech has found the potential to establish its services across the virtual space. Amazon Web Service course Details - Systems Operations on AWS Module 1 AWS platform and access Module 2 Amazon VPC Module 3 AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) Module 4 Amazon EC2 Module 5 Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) Module 6 Tagging Module 7 Monitoring Module 9 Backup (AWS resources and on premise resources with AWS services) Module 10 Operations Security For more details please visit website - s amazon-web-service-online-training Email - training(at) Mobile - 7207468036 Date - 27-04-2016



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