2012 Hyundai Santa Fe GLS

Thank you for your interest in one of Crain Hyundai of Bentonville s online offerings. Please continue for more information regarding this 2012 Hyundai Santa Fe GLS with 24 379 miles. This Hyundai Santa Fe GLS has a tough exterior complemented by a well-designed interior that offers all the comforts you crave. The mileage on this Hyundai Santa Fe GLS is reflective of it s age and you can tell. The previous owner took great care of this vehicle so that you ll be able to enjoy the benefits of a well cared for vehicle offered to you by Crain Hyundai of Bentonville. There are many vehicles on the market but if you are looking for a vehicle that will perform as good as it looks then this Hyundai Santa Fe GLS is the one More information about the 2012 Hyundai Santa Fe The 2012 Hyundai Santa Fe boasts strong refined and economical powertrains and a quiet composed ride making it an ideal choice as a primary vehicle for families. The Santa Fe can be quite luxuriously equipped with items like heated leather seats navigation and premium audio all offered in the Limited while base GLS models are still well-equipped yet very affordable. Fuel economy is another reason to consider the Santa Fe even when equipped with the V6. This model sets itself apart with long list of standard features comfortable interior Strong yet economical engines just-right size for most families and responsive 6-speed automatic Every new and pre-owned vehicle is backed by the Crain Commitment including our 100% low price guarantee a 100 hour love it or leave it exchange policy and a 100 year 100 000 mile warranty. The Crain Team s Got Em Give us a call at Crain Hyundai of Bentonvill.



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