SMALL SEMI FURNISHED ROOM 800(FEMALE PROFESSIONAL)wall to wall carpetbed computer desk lamp small dresser and t.v if you do not have your ownw utilities includedw cable & WiFi included5 minute walk to New Carrollton metro stationbus stop at front doorWasher & Dryer in buildingshared kitchen bathroom w one personavailable July 1 2016 (possibly sooner)5 min from Interstate 95 5 min from Route 50.security deposit( 450) may be waived upon immediate move inphotos and open house tours will be available after June 10(NO SMOKING) SERIOUS INQUIRIES ONLY(5-10 minute) walking to grocery store Ihop Starbucks t-mobile & up and coming Chipotle 7-eleven subway restaurant nail salon sprint store less than 10 minute drive to Giant Respond email then via text 719-426-6626



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