2014 Cadillac Escalade Premium

Here is an exquisite example of everything an Escalade should be one. One careful owner (freshly traded for a 16 Escalade) Premium Package Navigation All Wheel Drive White Diamond Pearl Tricoat Finish Navigation Rear Entertainment Middle Row Bucket Seats Premium Platinum 22 Inch Wheels power running boards Color Keyed Grill Side Vents Handles Remote Keyless Entry with Remote Start Dual Zone Digital Climate Control Bose Premium Sound Package Power Moonroof Sunroof and wayyyyyy too much more to list. If you ve been shopping you know how difficult to find Escalades of this caliber have become. Don t hesitate it is going to go quick Autocheck VHR Certified and Accident Free. Freshly serviced and covered under the balance of the GM Cadillac Factory Warranty with Cadillac Conceirege 24Hour Service . Great financing available up to 84 months and more pictures upon request. Get pre approved by calling me at 636-697-7211 or call to schedule an appointment to come see this beautiful Escalade.



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