Uninsured Underinsured We CAN Help

We offer a great alternative to the high cost of insurance. Our plan for just 39.95 covers yourself and your entire household. With each service there s always a savings The plan also offers tele-medicine 24 7 access to a doctor when you need it most Savings on prescription drugs including diabetic supplies Also included is our hospital advocacy program which gives you peace of mind should you be hospitalized and your bill exceeds 400.00 a company advocate will be assigned to negotiate the best possible fees for the hospital services. This also includes prior hospital bills To learn more please visit www.mybenefitsplus.com acaruso . To speak to a live representative call text 908-514-8097. True testimonial from one of our member s Terri. Due to kidney stone problems Terri had to have a total of 15 surgeries. After her major medical paid she was left with an out of pocket expense of 15K She then submitted the bill to our advocacy service our advocate was able to reduce the bill down to 1800.00



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