2015 Jayco Redhawk XK

2015 Jayco Redhawk xk Practically new w only 2 900 miles this unit is ready for regular camping use of for the snowbirds who travel south for the winter. This camper can sleep 8 w the 2 queen beds and the fold out couch and fold down table. This camper has incredible storage space inside and outside w more external storage than most in the class c. The 16 power awning provides tons of shade when needed outside but the powerful ac and furnace can keep you comfortable inside The 1 large slide gives you a ton of extra room when the camper is parked and setup. This camper runs and drives great and can cruise on the interstate at 75mph w no problem We hate to part w it but our 2 kids in sports are going to limit the camping trips moving forward. Please no solicitation calls w offers to help list or sale Please call or text for more info - See more at www.rvregistry.com used-rv 1012759.htm sthash.fv82k2lQ.dpuf



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