MTRAIN (Functional Fitness) - Personal Training

- Balance and Stability - Core Training - Sports Injury Prevention - Posture Correction - Flexibility - Strength Power and Weight Management - Nutritional Guidance and Programming Company Name MTRAIN The Science of Human Performance Functional Fitness - Functional Fitness focuses on building a body capable of doing real-life activities in real-life positions not just lifting a certain amount of weight in an idealized posture created by a gym machine. The key to Functional Exercise is integration. It s about teaching all the muscles to work together rather than isolating them to work independently. Functional Fitness reprograms you to support your own body weight through a variety of positions and movements. You will become stronger leaner and more mobile MTRAIN specializes in 1. Nutrition and Weight Management 2. Lean Muscle Gain 3. Aerobic and Anaerobic Endurance 4. Balance and Core Stability 5. Posture Corrective Exercise 6. Joint Mobility MTRAIN is highly experienced utilizing (TRX Kettlebell Training Bosu Stability Balls and Weight Lifting) MTRAIN dedicates itself in helping you achieve your health and fitness goals MTRAIN utilizes a THREE PHASE model for your success PHASE 1 (Balance and Stability) PHASE 2 (Flexibility and Stamina) PHASE 3 (Strength and Power). The three phase model can and will be modified based on your personal history and current fitness level. Email MTRAIN and receive a complementary (Evaluation and Training Session) valued at 120.00 Final Note I am not a scammer and I will not send your email address out to solicitors. GO U.C. BEARCATS Visit our Website _services_.html



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