Experienced Press Brake Operator (Metal Fabrication and Finishin

Experienced Press Brake Operator (Metal Fabrication & Finishing Company)1st Shift Full-Time Monday Friday 6 45 a.m. 3 30 p.m. Lunch from 10 45 a.m. 11 30 a.m. 13 - 15 HourResponsible for setting up and operating CNC press brake(s) to bend notch punch form rolls arc or straighten metal plates or sheet metal and structural shapes to blueprint or sketch specifications by performing the following duties Program and set up various press brakes (Brand New Amada HG-2204) (Amada 125 Ton RG125 10 Long Brake) ( Amada 50 Ton RG50 6 Long Brake) Select position and align dies in machine ram and bed Set stop on machine bed and ram adjust depth of strike and set stops with reference to bend data chart information Read interpret and work from complex blueprints and job routers Verify dimensions of work pieces and visually inspect products to ensure product specifications are met May grind burrs from edges of work pieces Must be able to accurately count parts and verify that matches quantity specified on job routers Ensure assigned work is understood prior to commencing Complete housekeeping duties in assigned area on a daily basis and or when required Perform other tasks as assigned (May include deburring grinding etc ) Knowledge Skills Expertise Requirements High school diploma or equivalent 3-5 Years of Experience a must MUST have ability to set up and program press brakes Experience working in a job shop environment a plus Ability to read and interpret manufacturing blueprints Knowledge and familiarity with various measuring equipment Experience operating a fork lift a plus Must be able to work the hours necessary in order to achieve the goals of the company Ability and willingness to follow directions as well as the ability to work independently Positive attitude and the ability to work well with others A forming test may be administered as part of the application process



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