1967 Camaro Convertible-Matching Date Codes(Engine Tranny and Bo

1967 Camaro Convertible Original matching Date Codes (Engine Tranny & Body) 230 cubic inch 140 HP-6 Cylinder motor & Original factory 3-speed transmission 79 850 original miles Original Red interior-no rips tears or scratches in vinyl seats Windshield in perfect condition Very Nice paint with no chips or cracks car has never been in an accident all instruments work except original radio New Convertible Top Rally wheels Performance P225 60R15 tires. Interior is in very good condition. Some final detail work is needed. Car was traded in from a private collector. In 1967 there were 25 141 Convertibles built and of that total 5 285 of them were 6-Cylinders. Car is located in Denver Colorado. SEE NEXTSTEPPROSALES (dot)COM FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION.VIN 123677N222179. Youtube watch v 3TQGHOThFIk



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