Seeking Job as companion for the elderly

Hello my name is Maria. I am seeking a positon as a companion for the elderly. I have over 15 years of experience working with elderly clients. I assist clients to carry out daily living tasks such as personal grooming feeding bathing and toileting. I remind clients to take their medications on time and accompany my clients to hospital visits. I conduct light housekeeping taks laundry and grocery shopping as well as maintain general conversations with clients. I demonstrate the ability of performing errands meal preperations and transportation. I am compassionate at what i do and have a loving disposition. I am honest and extremely hard working. I am very compassionate responsible and highly skilled at caring for the elderly. I have experience caring for clients with alzheimer s dementia diabetes and MS. Caring for the elderly is my passion and enjoy helping them in any way that I may be of service. You may contact me via email or by phone at any time. My email is maria.pagan1970(at) Thank you.



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