Dedicated OTR Drivers Wanted

Do you have a Quality Lease Truck Do you like your truck but want to take home more money If the answer is yes. . . you need to work for us We are an approved company with Quality and you can bring your truck with you Our Lease Operators are taking home an average of 1500 per week after ALL deductions We have A LOT to offer including Direct deposit every Thursday Comdata EFS fuel cards Fuel parts and tire discount programs 100% fuel surcharge paid to O O 35% advance for operating capital Assigned a dispatch agent that will stay 1-3 days ahead of you. Our agency has trucks averaging 5k- 7k per week gross in refrigerated freight flatbeds and step decks. So if you are a lease driver looking for the best opportunity to move up... this may be exactly what you have been looking for... the following qualification criteria applies Minimum driving age is 23 years old at time of qualification. Hold a valid Class A CDL from State of Residence Must have 1 year verifiable commercial OTR driving experience in the last 3 years or 3 years in the last 10 years No more than 7 employers in the last 3 years. No DUI or DWI convictions in previous seven (7) years No felony convictions in the past 7 years. No revocation or suspension of driving privileges for safety-related violations in previous three (3) years No more than 2 suspensions for non-safety violations in the previous 3 years. No preventable DOT Recordable Accidents within the past 3 years unless approved by Safety Management. No more than 1 non-DOT preventable accident in the last 12 months or 2 non-DOT preventable accidents in the past 3 years subject to Safety Management approval. No convictions for leaving the scene of an accident. MVR and PSP will be reviewed For more information call or text Dakota (at) 989-975-1790 or copy and paste the following link on googles c americantransport r DakotaMatson and I will contact you with more information. Start the application process now and be rolling with us within 1-2 weeks



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