2012 Toyota Prius Plug-In

BACKUP CAMERA BLUETOOTH HANDS FREE CLEAN CARFAX KEYLESS ENTRY NAVIGATION NAVI GPS and ONE OWNER . 15& quot x 6J 10-Spoke Aluminum Alloy Wheels ABS brakes Driver door bin Driver vanity mirror Electronic Stability Control Front reading lights Heated door mirrors Heated Front Bucket Seats Heated front seats Illuminated entry Low tire pressure warning Navigation System Outside temperature display Overhead console Passenger vanity mirror Rear seat center armrest Remote keyless entry Telescoping steering wheel Tilt steering wheel Traction control and Trip computer. If you are looking for a well-taken-care-of car try this outstanding 2012 Toyota Prius Plug-in and rest assured knowing that its fresh never-smoked-in smell is the first sign of a previous owner that truly loved his vehicle. A true legend It s a sturdy performer with a gas-saving Hybrid engine. If you spend an excessive amount of time in a vehicle you will really appreciate the roomy interior. It s very responsive to all road conditions and has a good solid feel to it.



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