looking for my soul mate

My mine is Heather I am 26 years old. Single and looking for a serious long term relationship I hope to find my soul mate. I have no kids but love kids and would love to have them in the future. I love animals. I have a cat named Rosie. I enjoy reading writing learning watching movies. I also love the outdoors.like fishing swimming four wheeling etc. I m down to earth. Very kind sweet caring. I have a good heart. I love showing someone affection. It makes me happy to do the little things that make them feel special. I m a little shy. If you look up pisces personality it describes me to a t . I m 5 2 and 105 pounds. I graduated in 2010 from high school. I got my cna soon after graduating. If there s anything else I m missing feel free to ask I m looking for a nice caring loving trustworthy guy who doesn t cheat. I m open to age. At most probably 50 max. Looks don t matter. Just looking for a soul mate that enjoys the things I like to do hobby wise.



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