Trinity and Sons Locks

Call Trinity and Sons Locksmith 704-626-7372 for a reliable lock installation. It is a great feeling when you know that you are absolutely safe at home so call Trinity and Sons Locksmith in Charlotte NC. Transponder keys are a lot more common than they used to be and many people have newer vehicles that use them as their main key. The issue is there are not a lot of locksmiths that have the tools and knowledge to be able to take care of copying these keys. At Trinity and Sons Locksmith we have taken the time to learn about these unique keys and we have all of the tools that are necessary so that we can get it done quickly and correctly the first time. Get in touch or stop by today. Trinity and Sons Locksmith specializes in high security locks install master key systems install panic hardware re-keying safes security systems 24 7 service break-in repairs cars unlocked 247 emergency service homes unlocked locks re-keyed peephole installation radio-dispatched remove broken keys safes unlocked car keys made work evenings work weekends dead-bolts digital door locks door locks gun locks window bars window locks window gates ignition switch keys transponder keys and broken key extractions.



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