2014 Hyundai Sonata Hybrid

Free Car Washes for Life And Loaner Car for Scheduled Maintenance . 2.4L 4-Cylinder Atkinson-Cycle Hybrid. Come take a look at the deal we have on this wonderful 2014 Hyundai Sonata Hybrid. It is nicely equipped with features such as 2.4L 4-Cylinder Atkinson-Cycle Hybrid Free Car Washes for Life And Loaner Car for Scheduled Maintenance . Hyundai Certified Pre-Owned means you not only get the reassurance of up to a 10yr 100 000 mile limited powertrain warranty but also a 150-point inspection reconditioning 24 7 roadside assistance trip-interruption services rental car benefits and a complete CARFAX vehicle history report. Need gas I don t think so. At least not very much. Price excludes tax tags certification and processing fee. Please call our Internet Sales Department if you have any questions or to schedule a test drive.



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