2013 Cadillac XTS Luxury

Here it is the epitome of Cadillac Luxury and Excellence. This gently enjoyed ONE OWNER Cadillac XTS features Premium Package CUE Infotainment System Silver Coast Finish over Neutral leather Interior Bose Premium Sound Package Remote Keyless Entry with Remote Start Ultraview Power Moonroof Sunroof Heated & Cooled Seats Heated Steering Wheel Alloy wheels and too much more to list. Perfect in every single way and WE RE READY TO DEAL CALL NOW Autocheck VHR Certified and freshly serviced and covered under the balance of the Cadillac Factory Warranty. Great financing available up to 84 months and no payments for up to 90 days. Get pre approved by calling me at 636-697-7211 or if you want to schedule an appointment to come see this VERY NICE Cadillac. I have more pictures upon request.



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