Bailey s cleaning 39 and up specials

Hello my name is Patrick I am a independent housekeeper have been trained by professionals and I get the job done in a timely fashion I always make sure my clients go over the word to make sure it s exactly how they want it I bring my own Supply Residential Basic General areas - Vacuum mop and dry floor surfaces -- Stairs vacuumed -- Tidy room appearance -- Dust furniture and knickknacks Kitchen Cleaning -- Clean counter tops -- Sinks cleaned and disinfected -- Clean outside cabinets faces and doors -- Clean exterior of large appliances -- Clean tables and chairs Bathroom Cleaning -- Tile walls and bathtubs cleaned and disinfected -- Shower and shower doors cleaned and disinfected -- Mirrors cleaned -- Sink and counters cleaned and disinfected -- Floors washed and disinfected -- Clean and disinfect toilet -- Wipe down outside cabinets Complimentary Services All trash removed from receptacles Beds made Dishes washed Dishwasher loaded or unloaded Clean refrigerator interior Clean stove interior CALL OR TEXT (470)525-5072



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