Double Sided 300lb. Capacity-USED-Chrome Cloths Display Rack

Chrome Double-Rail Clothing Rack with Z Brace flat floor adjustment footings. (Photo shows rack system with wheels unit(s) have wheels available but not included with all units.) USED AVAILABLE (3) Without wheels (at) 75 each - Bundled (at) 200 (3) with optional wheels (at) 90 each - Bundled (at) 250 ALL Units Bundled (at) 400 CASH Features 5 L X 24 W X 48-72 H Weight Capacity 300 lb Z-brace Construction Adjustable height Low 48 - Highest 72 Chrome Finish OPTIONAL 1 2 wide Ends for advertising Slips at end of cloths post Description Hang all of your inventory while maximizing floor space with Double-Rail Racks with proven Z Brace construction The racks measurements are 5 L X 24 W X 48-72 H. Featuring optional adjusting Rails for greater capacity or two-tier hanging you will be able to support clearance sales and or overstocked items. GREAT for a retail store or on going garage sales usage. USED Display s are dismantled for easy transport and easy assembly Thick 3 x 2 W x 5 Length of cloth post. Tools needed (1) Allen wrench 7 32 [4screws] Horizontal & cross brace (1) Allen wrench 5.5mm [4 screws] Tighten cloths rack post to extension SERVICE OPTIONS Assembly 10 per unit or 7 per unit as bundled purchase. Delivery 25 up to 20 mile radius or 50 up to 40 mile radius Payment Options Best Offer CASH each or for ALL Major Card Processing 3.7% to price PayPAl WePay-Google Discounted pricing does not apply for credit debit card purchase. Secure Card Processing PayPal & WePAy-Google 3.7% added to price.



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