House Cleaners - Full and Part Time

- Monday - Friday 8 00am - 4 00pm- Part time for those who would like 2-3 days per week.- 35 - 40 hours per week- Start at 11.75 hr. Raises come with attention to detail good attitudes and dependability - 15 hour available for full time employees who want evening work.- 15 hour for full time employees who want weekend work.- Must be available to work on a weekend at least twice per month.- Must not be allergic to cats dogs or cleaning chemicals- A valid CT driver s license and a clean driving record in necessary.- Must be comfortable working on your own but able to work well with others.- Must be able to lift up to 25 lbs as needed- Must be able to pass a drug screen and background checkWE ALSO OFFER...- Pay for car use- Paid holidays- 1 week paid off per yearPlease call 203-245-4591.



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