1990 Nissan 300ZX

All original survivor all books records all 3 keys and original windows sticker Originally purchased in Santa Cruz and spent 24 years in a garage in Palm Springs CA. I have documentation of all emission and registration renewals for the history of the car 20 635 original miles Never modified or abused. Clean car fax There are zero stone chips no scratches original windshield tires have 1 300 miles on them. Unmolested original condition Wheels and Michelin tires are 3 months old approximately 500 miles. Included are the original wheels and tires with approximately 1300 miles on them. The stock wheels have a few small chips and minor scuffs. The Bose stereo does not function properly I believe the amps are not working. The head unit operates but has low output. The stereo is the only issue with the car. No Accidents No Interior Damage Original Floor mats No scrapes on the front spoiler. New timing belt. Mobil and K& N Air filter. Very minimal wear Factory optioned with the electronics package temperature controlled A C Power Drivers Seat Heated mirrors and Illuminated entry courtesy light fade out. Pearlglow paint. If You Have Any Contact Me Addison39Chloe(at)outlook.com



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