The best massage in Oxford Circus and treatment with the ointmen

A wonderful and authentic deep tissue full body oil treatment which includes a simply fabulous body rub...altogether very uplifting and thoroughly soothing sure to both relax and reinvigorate you. I utilize quality aromatic non-scented oils that further enhance this experience. As performed by myself...a focused and degree proficient personable...Our wide variety of naturopathic healing services include acupuncture addiction treatment allergy testing aromatherapy skin care body treatments exotic mud treatments vita flex treatments gentle lifting treatments and more. We accept referrals from physicians and health care providers along with self referrals. Come to the clinic of excellence Bch1 20 Clapham Common South Side London SW4 7ABT 020 7622 8752 Near by Clapham Common Tube Bach2 6 Noel Street London W1F 8GGT 020 7494 4808 Near by Oxford Circus Tube Mobile 07824 531 248



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