2010 Harley-Davidson CVO Screamin Eagle Ultra Classic FLHTCUSE5

The Holy Grail of CVO Ultras the 2010 in Burnt Ember This delicately enjoyed PERFECTLY appointed CVO Screamin Eagle Electra Glide Ultra Classic features Burnt Ember over Hot Citrus Pearl Metallic with Hand Laid Flames Screamin Eagle Exhaust Screamin Eagle 110 Inch Motor Transmission Cooler Factory Custom Chrome Wheels Chrome Front End Polished Floating Rotors Color Matched Inner Fairing Billet Mirrors HD Medium Windshield HD Windshield Pouches Heated Seats Heated Grips and simply way too much more to list. This bike is a bonafide TEN OUT OF TEN Call now we re ready to deal we need your trade in and there are NONE of these in captivity of this caliber Freshly serviced and covered under the MasterCars Care Certified Warranty . Great financing available up to 72 months and no payments for up yo 90 days Call me at 636-697-7211 to get pre approved or to schedule an appointment to come see this truly perfect CVO Ultra. Bike riding season is here to sooner you buy the longer you have to enjoy the summer More pictures available upon request.



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