Sumukha ElderlyCare and Patient Care Center

WELCOME TO SUMUKHA ELDERLY HOME As a team of Sumukha we are committed to extend much needed love and happiness to the elders despite their age. We conduct psychological programs and workshops for the sick and unhealthy people to understand them life is always beautiful.We motivates and inspires for further increase their happiness and satisfaction. 1. Enable Choice 2. Preserve Dignity 3. Encourage Independence 4. Promote Enhance Quality of Life SUMUKHA ELDERLY HOME Food Beverages One of the major constraints Elders face these days is access to hygienic fresh and timely food.we believe that one of the key to a happy living among elders is to get adequate well balanced hygienically cooked food in time. SUMUKHA ELDERLY HOME Food Beverages We put in a lot of efforts in understanding each individual needs diets medical condition and then plan their meal. While most of the meals are planned for all inmates together individual preferences will be taken into account. SUMUKHA ELDERLY HOME Nursing services Daily medication. Monitoring of BP Sugar levels. Dressing of wounds. Provide help in moving around eating food etc. SUMUKHA ELDERLY HOME Entertainment Like at any home inmates will have access to Satellite cable TV DVD players (with choice of old movies) Music players and Computers with hi-speed internet access. Picnics will be organized frequently to nearby places. Mind stimulating group activities to make inmates stay active mentally. Assistance will be provided to those who need help in using internet.



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