San Carlos room for rent

Room for rent in 4bedroom 2bathroom house with large fenced-in backyard in San Carlos Park.Two male roommates one FGCU student in his early twenties the other is to be determined because current roommate is staying in Miami. If you re responding to this ad it would be to take over my room.The rental agency requires a 70 fee income verification and background check. Students may substitute their parents income. Pets are allowed (if the other roommates are cool with them and they are not designated as vicious breeds ) but require a 250 non-refundable fee as well as a 250 deposit.Monthly rent is 1320 No. of Housemates - 440 for an individual or 330 each for a couple.The room will be available beginning on may 1st but we can probably work something out. If you are interested please call or text Mackenzie 239-603-9830This is a private bedroom but a shared bathroom.Pictures of the actual room available upon request.



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