We are Hiring for Marketing Executives

Ability to focus on sales probable customer within the specific region. It is completely different from being a general sales executive because this particular job role demand you to travel either to find new clients (or) customers (or) to maintain relationship with the customers whom you are already working with. Must contact all the clients and potential customers to discuss their products would meet their requirements. Arrange meetings with the clients (or) visit their offices (or) homes to persuade them to buy a plots which our company is offering. Ability to increase the sales of the company. Should have the ability to provide a concise description of the product and services to the customers and also drawing attention to the benefits of the available services. Carry out price negotiations with the customer on behalf of the organization to reach a favorable agreement for both. Must also carry out a survey to figure out the current trends in the industry such a prices of the products and the demand for it etc Must totally focus on increasing the business by making various sales targets and estimating sales target. They need to generate business leads for the company which they are working for and also prepare and maintain statistical data and provide reports whenever necessary.



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