We have job Opening inQuality Assurance Engg in Final Inspectio

We have job Opening inQuality Assurance Engg in Final Inspection Designation - Quality & InspectionQualification - Diploma B.E Mechanical Experience - 5 - 8 years Salary - 18000 to 20000 Job timing - 9 00 am to 7 00 pm Job Location - JamnagarJob Description - 1. Must have a minimum experience of 8 years in Final inspection having worked in some reputed organisation.2. Knowledge of measuring equipments like profile projector VMM etc.3. Must be able to handle all Quality Management System documentation (ISO) independently.4. Must have good inter-personal skill.5. Should be able to discuss and close customer complaints corrective and preventive action 5 why analysis etc.6. Should be presentable enough to face customer audits. Benefits -Only Relevant Experience Candidate May Send Their Resume On Info((at))Goalconsultancy(Dot)Com .If You Have Any Quire Then Calls On 9512180021 & 9033993614. [Call Timing 10am To 07pm] Note -If This Position Is Not Suitable To You Kindly Ignore This Email. You May Give A Refresh To Your Friend Relatives For The Said Post.



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