1969 Chevrolet Corvette Convertible For Sale in Niantic Connecti

If you are looking for a classic vehicle whose influence spans seven generation then look no further because this 1969 Chevy Corvette Convertible is the one for you This two-door sports car has just undergone a body on restoration and comes dressed to impress. It features a beautiful white exterior that is complimented by a clean red interior. Powered by a numbers matching mechanical arrangement including a rebuilt 350 V-8 engine that is mated with rebuilt 4-speed manual transmission this sleek and sporty driver offers 350 horsepower. It offers excellent handling and maneuverability. With less than 60 000 miles you can rest assured that this third generation Chevy Vette convertible will be providing the thrill that you seek for many years to come. This Corvette Convertible is brimming with performance and appeal. In addition to it s rebuilt motor and tranny it also has a rebuilt rear end and steering box. The frame is like new and untouched. Original dated shocks original block heater and original type bias ply tires. It features new bumpers weatherstrips and emblems. The tank sticker is still on the tank and it comes with all original paperwork window sticker and protectoplate. The painted hard top is now on the car and gives this convertible an eye-catching look that is sure to capture the attention of anyone it zooms past This beautiful beast has won a Top Flight award at NCRS Regional Meet. It is a great running car that is ready for judging. It has been meticulously maintained as it has never been smoked in and has always been garage kept. Don t miss out on this incredible opportunity to own the classic sports car of your dreams. This convertible has been very well loved and cared for and she is eager to provide the adrenaline rush you ve been searching for. Call today for more information on how this sports car icon can be yours



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