FSBO - Mesquite NV

Beautiful 1959 sf single-story residential alarm security system 2 bed den 2-1 2 bath 3 car separate home office room galley-like kitchen with granite countertops w SS appliances w pull-out shelves all electric utilities 22K upgrades at time of purchase with additional 10K added in miscellaneous areas professional done wallpaper in several rooms 70% tile 20% wood 10% carpet separate laundry room overhead storage in 3rd car epoxy garage floors desert-like landscape in front w grassy area in back pomegrante trees quiet neighborhood easy access to I-15 sports complex for all events recreation center 3 casinos 30 minutes to St. George UT and 1 hour to Las Vegas. Can offer BUYERS AGENT 3% or a more amicable profitable transcation w o realtor affiliation. Looking for a quick close.



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