83 FULL CREDIT REPAIR - one time payment

YES ONLY 83 no ongoing payments ONE TIME PAYMENT (Paypal SECURE Payment)IF YOU AREN T AT 800 Credit Score THERE S ROOM FOR IMPROVEMENT Contact Me Now DO YOU HAVE credit cards auto loans foreclosures repossessions bankruptcies charge-offs judgements identity theft collections med bills liens student loans or anything else you d like to Stop paying for Anything negative on your credit report i ll have deleted I do this day in and day out for some years . DONT get Over-charged by these credit repair companies i could have charged hundreds and thousands of dollars but who can afford that deep investment on such a timely process Our economy isn t to well and Over-charging clients won t help restore it . Check my profile pictures & or ask for testimonials and ill gladly show you my past clients GREAT feedback We ll tag team your report and permanently delete negative accounts legally affordably & QUICKLY _I GUARANTEE TO GET YOUR ITEMS DELETED WITHIN 30days YES Just 30days & you ll get approvals for credit lines and loans with the best rates possible i WILL GIVE YOU THE PROPER DOCUMENTS NEEDED TO ALWAYS RESTORE YOUR CREDIT WITH OR WITHOUT MY FURTHER HELP. I WANT YOU TO LEARN THE SKILL & HAVE EXACTLY WHAT S NEEDED -------------------------Knowledge Is Power-------------------------I have a passion for helping people let me help you as i do many others on a daily basis. Im always by my cellular feel free to TEXT OR CALL Leave me a voicemail if i do not answer your call. _PLEASE ONLY CONTACT ME WHEN YOU HAVE THE 83 ON A DEBIT OR CREDIT CARD PREPARED TO BEGIN THIS PROCESS I Get Calls with people telling me long stories only to tell me they ll have the money next week or next month or whatever. And im a business-man who happens to run different businesses so please be courteous of my valuable time.ThankYouKen 310-403-8821 text call



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