HI I LIVE in LAKE PLACID florida . A small town Iam a Gentle Lady seeking A GENTLEMAN who I can always be proud of. Iam in my 70th s yrs so I am guessing he should be also.Yes iam single and I am seeking the same in a man life can be hard so I dont want complication 863 6991235. So not to waist time I LOVE clean Fun JOKES are great for me I enjoy happy people as I believe life has to be enjoyed always.LOOK I am honest so I use to be pretty now me not so much but I do try I used to be blonde but experimented with red and now I having a hard time taking it out off my hair one of the tricks of having fun. I have dark eyes 125-30 lbs.Live alone all my family is out of town. I do need a man in my life I am 5 1 and In a man maybe 5 10 to 6ft . Good Luck with you search as well as mine



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