2BHK Flat for sale at Sunrise Symphony Rajarhat for 40Lacs

Property Code A599438 Property INC a Real Estate Marketing Company offers a 2BHK Flat above 5th Floor at Sunrise Symphony Rajarhat for 40Lacs. The Flat is of 831sqft Comprises 2 Bedrooms 2 Toilets & 1 Balcony with Lift Security & Water Storage. Sunrise Symphony Luxurious Air conditioned apartments at Rajarhat Newtown. The lush landscaped surroundings design detail space and facilities come together to form a melodious whole that makes Sunrise Symphony an experience of harmonious living. Sunrise Symphony offer 3 & 4 bedroom apartments duplex and penthouse. The Property is Ready to Move In.Note Property Prices & Availability are Subject to Change without Prior Notice.Call us on 9830878888



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