Lip-smacking Fare on Offer in the Multi Cuisine Restaurants in K

The multi cuisine restaurants in Katra are a haven for food lovers. This small town at the foothills of the Trikuta Mountains offers a range of delicacies to suit not only every palate but also every budget. The food on offer is scrumptious and delicious to please even the fussiest eaters. From small restaurants serving tasty north Indian and south Indian food to the specialty restaurants serving gourmet fare there is something for everyone. In case you are too tired to venture out or just lazy you could always indulge in some tasty treats offered via room service. Contact Us And Send Query - The White Hotels Address Off Katra Reasi Road Katra Vaishnodevi Jammu & Kashmir-182301. Land Line 91-1991-234634 Call 91-9906903124 Email resv(at) Website



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