2012 Scion tC

Fresh Trade Just Arrived hurry down to check out this beauty Why spend more money than you have to This Scion tC will help you keep the extra money you d normally spend on gas. The Scion tC is well maintained and has just 50 010 miles. This low amount of miles makes this vehicle incomparable to the competition. The quintessential Scion -- This Scion tC speaks volumes about its owner about uncompromising individuality a passion for driving and standards far above the ordinary. More information about the 2012 Scion tC The 2012 Scion tC is a car designed and marketed at younger buyers. It offers sporty performance while also rewarding drivers with decent fuel economy. The interior is second to none in terms of comfort and ergonomics and the extensive array of factory accessories means the tC is basically a blank canvas that Scion encourages buyers to customize in to their liking. Interesting features of this model are affordability Endlessly customizable sporty character and interior space and amenities Sorry but we cannot extend special Internet pricing without a printed copy of the on-line pricing and your in-store price may exceed our special on-line pricing. To take advantage of our special Internet discounts please print this page and present it to your salesperson. Must Finance Through Dealer. See Dealer for Details



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